computer screen showing biofeedback data



The Integrative Approach

The Samueli Institute’s work in integrative health is science-led and evidence-informed. We are committed to world-class research and extending the reach of the depth of knowledge and scale of impact of these practices. As part of both a university and a healthcare system, we are uniquely positioned to advance the research into the most effective integrative practices and models. From ongoing National Institutes of Health funding to plans for multiple endowed research chairs, we have long prioritized academic research conducted by nationally recognized clinicians and scientists who are dedicated to proving the potential and possibilities of integrative health.

Areas of Exploration

Our current research is focused on heart disease prevention, the effects and mechanisms of acupuncture, nutrition, and the use of mindfulness by healthcare providers to promote a greater sense of personal wellbeing and improve safety. We are also assessing how integrative therapies like acupuncture can aid in the nonpharmacologic management of pain in a hospital setting. Our current federally-funded clinical trials are using innovative complementary health approaches to prevent and treat disease. For instance, we are examining the novel use of IV chelation therapy that removes environmental toxins to treat heart disease and diabetes.

Learn more about our collaborative networks below:

UCI Faculty Funding & Awards

To encourage innovative research studies that address growing health challenges and add to the evidence base of integrative health practices, we invite collaboration from UCI and UCI-affiliated faculty with innovative research projects that provide an understanding of the mechanistic basis or clinical outcomes related to the use of integrative therapies.

International Collaboration: BraveNet

University Hospitals (UH) Connor Whole Health and Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute (SSIHI) have joined in collaboration to lead BraveNet — the first and largest whole health, practice-based research network in the U.S. BraveNet is an international consortium comprised of academic health systems conducting evidence-informed research on therapies used in integrative medicine, which is now more often known as whole health. Together, these 29 research-based institutions offer whole health services to more than 100,000 patients a year.