Acupuncture is an integrative technique that involves stimulating specific points on the body — most often by inserting needles through the skin — to relieve pain and treat various health conditions.
How does the treatment work?
Sterile, single-use, very fine needles are inserted at acupuncture points on the body, according to traditional Chinese medicine. It is suggested that these needles stimulate the central nervous system, releasing neurotransmitters and hormones that carry signals to different parts of the body, depending upon the acupuncture points selected and techniques used.
A trained acupuncturist determines the specific treatment based upon a clinical assessment, the relevant points for the diagnosis and the proper type of stimulus for each point. Needles, once positioned, may be moved or twirled, with heat incorporated as appropriate. Electroacupuncture, which involves passing a low-frequency electrical current between pairs of acupuncture needles, may also be used.
Because acupuncture needles are extremely fine, you will typically experience little or no discomfort as they are inserted or removed. Some people may feel a tingling or heaviness. Treatment is 30-90 minutes. It may be administered once, several times or more, depending on the condition.
Who benefits from acupuncture?
Acupuncture has shown benefits in treating low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis or knee pain. People who experience tension headaches and migraine headaches may see positive results from this form of treatment. Many other conditions may benefit from acupuncture treatment, alone or in conjunction with related care, including:
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer treatment
- Constipation/ Diarrhea
- Digestive Disorders
- Nausea
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Painful Periods
- Sciatica
Acupuncture uses small needles inserted into specific acupoints on the body to treat various conditions. Electroacupuncture is a variation of acupuncture where a small electrical current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles, augmenting the use of regular acupuncture. A recent study by Samueli Institute researchers has shown that repetitive electroacupuncture releases a kind of natural opioid that lowers blood pressure. The results suggest this therapy may be effective in treating clinical hypertension with few, if any, side effects.
Our Experts
All Samueli Institute acupuncture providers are licensed by the California Department of Consumer Affairs Acupuncture Board. Licensure indicates that a professional has completed a board-approved master’s degree-level training program, with 3,000 hours of theoretical and clinical training or other acupuncture board-approved equivalent training and passed the board’s written examination. A licensed provider is identified as LAc.
Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute accepts a variety of insurance plans or private pay. Your visit may be subject to copay and deductible. Please contact us at 949-824-7000 for more information.
- Acupuncture: In Depth | NCCIH ( Retrieved 1.25.2022
- Chin TL, Burton K, Thomas M, Bernal NO, Nourani B, Nunez M, Li S, Rychlock R, HorieR, Malik S, Joe V. 128 The Effects of Acupuncture on Pain on the Burn Service, Journal of Burn Care & Research, Volume 41, Issue Supplement_1, March 2020, Page S86, iraa024.131
- Li, M., Tjen-A-Looi, S., Guo, ZL. et al. Repetitive Electroacupuncture Attenuates Cold-Induced Hypertension through Enkephalin in the Rostral Ventral Lateral Medulla. Sci Rep 6, 35791 (2016).
- Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain: Individual patient data meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(19):1444–1453. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3654
- Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Complementary and Alternative Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network
More research from Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute.