Integrative Long-COVID Medical Group Visit

Long-COVID medical group visit

If you were diagnosed with long-COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of COVID-19, this group medical visit may be for you! The sessions are designed to support a small group of individuals who are experiencing chronic and persistent symptoms post-COVID. 

We will cover topics and facilitate discussions that will help individuals in the group to learn more about their condition, understand why they are experiencing symptoms, and identify effective ways to manage their health and get the most out of their integrative healthcare. 

Our goal is to bring individuals together for shared medical visits, sharing new information about this condition, and discussing the impact of COVID-19 on the body and mind – focusing on living beyond the condition and strategies to help optimize health.

Over the six weeks of shared medical visits, you will learn, grow, and be empowered to take charge and redefine your whole-person health journey. You will learn about the different providers and health practices that are working together to address the many facets of this emerging condition. This includes naturopathic medicine, mindfulness practices, nutrition and lifestyle modifications, biofeedback, dietary and herbal supplements, and physical therapies. You will also learn about the growing research that is helping us understand why patients are developing long-COVID and how best to support them in achieving better outcomes.

Week 1: The What, Why and How of Long-COVID

Week 2: How I Experience Long-COVID

Week 3: Diet, Nutrition and Pain in Long-COVID

Week 4: Impact of Long-COVID on Digestive Function

Week 5: Medications and Clinical Nutrition in Long-COVID

Week 6: Impact of Long-COVID on the Nervous System


  • Join with others who share similar health goals and concerns. Learn strategies for improving health.
  • Spend extended time with providers and gain deeper insight into your health.
  • Gain personal insights from the questions and comments of others.


Consider participating in this group visit if the following describes you:

  • Diagnosed with Long-COVID syndrome, or also known as post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) by your doctor.
  • UCI Health patients in any clinical area and located in the state of California. If you are interested in participating, but have not established care with UCI Health, please call 949-824-7000 for options.


This is a six-week program, all conducted virtually through a telehealth platform.

Our Team

Arvin Jenab
Arvin Jenab, ND

Medical Director of Naturopathic Medicine |

Director of Naturopathic Medicine Residency Program |

Naturopathic Doctor


Many shared medical visits are covered by health insurance. Check with your health plan administrator prior to participation.

For registration and more information, call: 949-824-7000

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