Knife skills - cutting herbs
This is a past class that no longer accepts registration.

Learn the basics of the Mediterranean diet, which has been proven to positively affect overall health and wellbeing, as well as disease management. An exciting part of the Mediterranean diet is the abundance of delicious possibilities. You’ll see how eating the rainbow is not a diet, but a lifestyle. Learn how to incorporate Mediterranean diet principles in your daily life through meals at home or restaurants. You will also learn how to choose, safely use, and store knives, essential skills in cooking.

Dishes include:

  • Thai Tofu Stir Fry with Basil on Garlic Forbidden Rice
  • Gluten-Free Coconut Oat Crisp with Seasonal Fruit  

*Please note that some aspects of the class may include working in groups for a portion of the class. Learners may work in groups up to three people per each shared workstation. If you attend the class with a friend, you are welcome to share a workstation with that person.

More Nutritional Education classes here.