by Jessica Drew de Paz, PsyD, Director of Mindfulness Programs and Clinical Psychologist Every year as December transitions to January, many of us pledge to take bette…
Dive a little deeper into healthful eating with readers’ favorites among the fresh and delicious recipes crafted this year by Jessica VanRoo, executive chef of t…
Variety is the spice of life, especially for holiday meals. We’ve got you covered with these delicious nontraditional options — from appetizers and sides to main…
From the moment he opened a first-aid kit in the Boy Scouts, Efrain Cerrato, MBA, ACSM-EP, felt a natural connection to helping others. That connection would eventuall…
We will soon celebrate the Mussallem Nutritional Education Center. Guests will enjoy healthy and delicious recipes created by Jessica VanRoo, executive chef of the UCI…
Pumpkins hold pride of place in our fall celebrations but there’s another reason to hold them in high esteem — they’re full of immune system boosters — just the help w…
Essential oils can help you live well every day. A new aromatherapy guide offers suggestions and guidance for essential oils to help with conditions like: Find more fr…
Easy, colorful recipes — created by Jessica VanRoo, executive chef of the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute, part of UCI Health — give a great introducti…
Summer’s bounty — whether from your garden, a farmer’s market or the local grocery store, makes it easy to center your meal plans around a wide variety of fresh …
By Jessica Drew de Paz, PsyD, Director of Mindfulness Programs and Clinical Psychologist As a clinical psychologist, I have long been fascinated with emotions. Like th…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It was initially established in 1949 to acknowledge the number of veterans suffering from mental illnesses post-World War II. How…
By Theresa Nutt, MA, BSN, HNB-BC, NBC-HWC, director of Health and Wellness Coaching Spring is a great time to pause and reflect to make new, inspired choices in o…